Volunteer Form

As a volunteer-run nonprofit organization, we are always seeking dedicated and collaborative team members. If you are interested in joining us, fill out our contact form.

We have four specialized teams:

  • Communications are the heart of our brand. Our team crafts engaging content for social media and emailed newsletters, and they manage this website.

  • Events (In-Person, NYC) schedules and plans networking events in the New York City area, but they are interested in expanding in-person events for young publishers across the country.

  • Events (Remote) plans and runs virtual events, both networking and educational, through Zoom. This includes breakout room meet-and-greets, themed panels, and craft nights.

  • Mentorship is a pillar of our organization, and we are working to launch a new mentorship initiative in 2025. The mentorship team is structuring and recruiting for this program.

Questions? Contact info@youngpublishers.org

Learn more about our initiatives and events on our Instagram.